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  5. How to add a Play Button to Posts or Pages?

How to add a Play Button to Posts or Pages?

Adding a play button to your WordPress posts or pages is a breeze with the Text to Speech (TTS) plugin:

  1. Edit Your Post or Page: Log into your WordPress dashboard and navigate to the post or page where you want to add the play button.
  2. Open the Block Editor (Gutenberg): If you’re using the Gutenberg block editor, simply add a new block and search for “Text To Speech TTS.” You’ll find a dedicated block for the TTS plugin.
  3. Insert the Play Button: In the TTS block, you’ll see an option to insert the play button. Click on it, and the button will be added to your content.
  4. Customize as Needed: You can further customize the button’s appearance, color, and text, as we’ll explain in the next section.

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